Friday, April 4, 2008

Welcome to My Music Blog!

I'm not really much of a musician. More of a dabbler actually, and a collector of instruments here and there. I play several instruments including keyboards, flutes and the erhu (二胡), but I prefer to spend more of my time in my primary area of giftedness, which is drawing and illustration.

To date, I have quite a collection of musical instruments that were either acquired by myself or given by others:
  1. Dizi (笛子) or horizontal Chinese bamboo flute in keys of C, D and G
  2. Erhu (二胡) or Chinese violin]
  3. Paixiao (排箫) or Chinese bamboo panpipes
  4. Xun or Chinese egg-shaped ocarina
  5. Taodi or Chinese fipple ocarina
  6. Other ocarinas (one plastic, one from Eastern Europe)
  7. Didgeridu
  8. Irish Whistle - Walton's D, Clarke original C and D
  9. Fife (Yamaha, plastic, 8 hole)
  10. American Fife (6 hole, nickel)
  11. Ukulele
  12. Circular Panpipes (2 pcs)
  13. Recorders (Alto and Sopranino)
  14. Harmonica
  15. Kazoo
  16. Nose Flute
  17. Some other ethnic tribal looking flutes and a reed instrument
  18. A set of ornamental bagpipes
I'll be posting photos of them from time to time, and hopefully videos of me playing them - if I can get a handy cam, that is.

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