Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Foundations for Worship - FREE MP3 set download

I just happened to come across an audio CD MP3 dowload set on the topic of Foundations for Worship. The speaker is Bob Kauflin from Sovereign Grace Ministries, author of the book (and blog) Worship Matters. I just finished reading his book a few days ago and it has been deeply impacting. It has also revolutionized my concept of congregational worship.

The contents of the MP3 set are:
  1. Worship: What Really Matters
  2. Building a Worshiping Community
  3. The Worship Leader's Role
  4. Why Do We Sing?
  5. Leading and Feeding Your Team
  6. Heart Attitudes for the Worship Team
  7. Worship Leading and the Prophetic Gifts
  8. Closing the Gap: Pastors and Worship Leaders
Best part of all is that the downloads are completely FREE.

You can download the MP3 set here:

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